Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blast Furnace Funnies

NEWSFLASH: "Hey Copacetic Customers! - Frank Santoro here. If you are a fan of my work, you may have heard about the newspaper comic that I made for the 2011 Pittsburgh Biennial titled Blast Furnace Funnies. Commissioned by the Carnegie Museum of Art, this comic was available free to the public during the Biennial and unavailable anywhere else – until now! That's right: every Copacetic customer who buys a newsprint edition of Storeyville will receive a free copy of Blast Furnace Funnies. After Storeyville, this is probably the best comic I've ever done. I made my parents cry with this one, folks. A heartfelt postcard to my home town - this comic is something I've been trying to do for years - I know you'll love it. Get it FREE with every purchase of the newsprint edition of Storeyville. Over and out."


  1. Well, I guess I can find something to do with a third copy of Storeyville...

  2. Maintenance also saves you money in your energy bills. Running a furnace can consume a lot of energy especially when it is overcompensating for one issue or another. furnace repair
